Mindful Living with Brain Management

Amazing Moments

There are amazing moments that simply happen. When they do, it is wonderful to stop and observe that moment for as long as possible. They tell you much about your world, and how you fit into that world.

Today, I was walking along. Suddenly I noticed everything around me just stopped. There was no movement, no wind, no sound… nothing. It was if everything was holding its’ breath; afraid to break the silence. The silence penetrated to the core of my being. I treasured the experience of what the silence created. Then, just as suddenly as the silence was created, the sounds and movement returned to fill the air. Everything was back to normal.

I am accustomed to hearing the different birds, the wind rustling through the leaves, and all the rest of the action and sounds it brings with it. When there is a sudden absence of sensory input, it gives you the feeling of what it is to be within the ‘now’. Only at the ‘now’ moment are all things at a standstill. It creates a feeling of calm.

Living for the Moment

Within Brain Management there are a myriad of directions that you can take. These are not based upon the system, but on the individual. Since no two people are alike, so too are the paths that can be taken. The past has victories and regrets. The future gives you stress as you don’t know what will be taking place today or tomorrow. The idea of living in the now seems a foreign idea to most people as you would be giving up the past and the future. Many meditation methods focus on quieting the mind – to reach that point of silence where all things stop and you can observe and contemplate.

In your daily world, being in that state of ‘now’ may only exists for a moment. Or you may be lucky enough to experience what I experienced today. When it happens to you, feel it, be one with it. Capture and catalog that experience in your mind, to reflect upon it again and again.

The World is in a State of Confusion

Confusion… is the state of mind of the masses. Most people do not notice what is happening in plain sight all around them. Their mental blinders are on. Perhaps they are too busy to care, or maybe it is all too overwhelming for them to take onboard. They build a perception of the world that is not real; papier-mâché, delusion, fantasy. It is much easier than to accept that you are a component of the real world. Evidence of this is found in the abuse of illicit drugs and prescription psychotropic drugs. (In 2016, 1 out of every 6 people in the USA was on some type of psychotropic drug. That number will have changed considerably since.)

Remove the Veil and Face Reality

I am not suggesting that people go against what their health professional says to do. However, it is widely known that prescriptive drugs have been over-proscribed. Perhaps a reassessment is in order. Reality is just that; the harsh reality. No rose colored glassed in the real world. It is you and the results of what you do. Can you affect that in a positive way? Of course you can.

What is Photographic Memory Training?

When I talk to people about the photographic memory and how it will do so much for them, most people don’t get it at first. They do not understand what it does and what they should expect. The Hollywood version is the furthest from the truth. Even the skeptics begin with thinking you should have a pixel by pixel rendition as to what you be seeing. It does not work that way. To have that as your only goal of using your photographic memory is extremely short sighted. Although, learning how to use your photographic memory and exercising your brain this way will help you in magnificent ways.

The photographic memory is the Holy Grail of brain building and increasing your mind power. You have a multitude of untapped mental abilities that have never been used. You do not even know they are there. Those abilities have always been there. Exercising your brain to access your photographic memory does create things to happen in a different way in your brain. It is much bigger than what you can imagine your photographic memory to be. Don’t react in fear. Your extensive abilities have always been there. They have always been a part of you. They make you a better human!

Great Things Happen Here!

Dr Shannon Panzo

Childhood Lost – Memories Stolen

Is Your Child Losing?

In a land forgotten by most, the simple stick becomes a staff, a sword, a gun, a spear, a pointer, a torch, and more. The land of imagination has been usurped by computers, electronic notepads, smart phones, and game boxes. Television provides programs that undermine naive youth. When the imagination is derailed by these methods, the results are foul.

The ability to create is fueled by the ability to remember what you have witnessed before as a foundation. Without good memory, the imagination is stifled, and atrophies like rotting flesh. Little good can come from an imagination fostered on tragedy, violence, and gore. Only further atrocity results.

Parents, continue to hand your 2 year old the electronic game or your cell phone (Mobile phones emit damaging ionizing radiation.) to play with. You steal their ability to develop normally, with the memory and imagination they should have. Your ignorance now will result in a lifetime of disappointment later.

Strong Words of Grave Concern

Cognitive experts have warned parents – They are not listening

Psychologists have provided statistics – They are still not listening. When the result is a child that does not have proper communication skills and cannot employ basic thought, creativity, and learning skills, the parents sit back and blame the system for allowing it to happen.


Your child’s brain is very complicated and must be used and exercised properly in the first years of their life – usually with “play” that stimulates their imagination. This is the time when the most complex interactions are learned that will carry that child through life. Without it, you are condemning the child to a life of irreversible struggle. It is impossible for you to comprehend all of the problems that will be dealt to that child through their life, as they progress into adulthood, then as an adult.

You cannot repair this tragedy after the fact. However, you can stop the tragedy before it takes hold. Don’t worry. You will not be judged as a bad parent by doing so.

Children and Students Speak Out

There is a new movement underway in many schools – initiated by children. Children are rejecting the use of electronic notepads in the classroom, wanting books instead. Some governments are following suit by banning the use of these devices in the classroom.

Manufactures are crying foul. They are panicking, as their very lucrative, almost guaranteed cash cow has run away. They have spent over a decade building this repetitive sales platform using massive resources, just to see it dry up. Their battle cry is, “The children will not be able to keep up when the newest versions continue to march out every year. The poor children will be technically disadvantaged.” They do not care how the device affects people, namely children.

Perhaps the opposite will be true, as the children will create the opportunity to strengthen their mind power.

By making their brains work more, their imaginations will be stimulated and enhance memory. Perhaps some of those children will take up photographic memory training and become the next generation of great leaders.

Mind Power – Use it before you lose it.

Dr Shannon Panzo

Great Things Happen Here!

Memory Enhancement from Photographic Memory Training

Photographic Memory – The Holy Grail of Brain Power

Learning how to properly access and use your photographic memory should be your number 1 priority when building brain power or taking control of your life through any self help method.

My clients report to me, when they tell others about the results they are getting with their new mind power, they are met with blank stares and “That’s impossible!”, “Who do you think you are?” retorts.

I say, “Stand up and be counted; as a progressive thinker and Doer.” You are looking at doing something incredibly good for yourself. By exercising your brain this way, you are becoming a better, more intelligent – a person responsible for the good they bring into the world in trying times.

Psychology tells us that people that nay-say your desire for growth are not willing to put in the effort for them to change. In turn, to justify their laziness, they will attempt to discredit you or what you want to do, for
you to abandon your efforts. They may say things like, “You are a fool to think you could do that.”

My clients know a different story from their results.

Many people were criticized for achieving impossible things throughout history…

· Tesla – Inventor, once considered one of the wealthiest people in the world had his antagonists, and died a pauper.

· Galileo – Astronomer, was accused of heresy because he claimed the Earth to be moving around the Sun, instead of adhering to the Church’s Idea that everything in the Heavens revolved around the Earth.

· Michelangelo – Artist, most of his life was poised upon a knife’s edge. He encrypted his notes and destroyed his diagrams of artwork he was working on.

· Socrates – Philosopher, sentenced to death for teaching mainly about mathematics and answering questions about our natural world.

Why should you be concerned with what others are saying? Perhaps they just do not want to be outdone.

What Mental Photography can do for you…

When you learn Mental Photography, you tap into the natural power you have had all along. You are reclaiming what you were born with – your photographic memory.

When you stimulate your photographic memory by using Mental Photography, your brain is exercised and gets stronger. Likewise, your memory becomes stronger as well. As you assimilate massive amounts of information, you trigger the growth of dendrites (memory storage) and strengthen the neural pathways to and from your memories.

Memory enhancement is the result of using Mental Photography and your photographic memory. Self empowerment, confidence, assertiveness, and many other valuable attributes are amplified within you.

Great Things Happen Here!

Dr Shannon Panzo

Brain Power for Memory Enhancement

Ask Yourself…
Where would you be right now if you did not have information?

Sure, it is an absurd way of thinking about it.

You must have information to…

Speak in any language Understand what you see, hear, or experience Be able to join thoughts into more complex ideas …Your basic communications depend on it.

Without using your brain power in this way, you would never be able to…

have a hobby
Have a job
Drive a car
Participate in conversation
Make decisions, and so on.

Dr Shannon, I don’t get it!
Why are you telling me this? 
I already do those things and more!

To properly use your brain power is to crawl before you walk, then onto running, then flying. To get to where you are now means you have come along way since you were born. BUT… You still have a long way to go to beyour ultimate best self..

Your history started here:

When you were born, you were born genius – an information sponge. Yournatural eidetic memory, or photographic memory, is fully engaged,assimilating a world of information for lifelong storage and access. Since most information is taken in visually, most people become visuallearners. Even today, the way you access different types of memory is byeye movement. Thus, memory enhancement can be achieved by using simpleeye exercises. Even people that are blind from birth can enhance memory by using the same exercises

FACT: When you have better access to your memories, you are SMARTER.

Memory enhancement is a natural bi-product of using Mental Photography Training. The steps train you to access your photographic memory, which further stimulates your memories with new information

Great Things Happen Here!

Dr Shannon Panzo

How to build up a Photographic memory? | Photographic Memory Exercises

photographic memory is the capacity to recall past occasions in detail as if they are happening at this time. Many people trust it to be an astoundingly handy tool in life.

There are a few photographic memory procedures that can be applied in the development of a photographic memory. Keep in mind; when you are born you have a photographic memory, which seems to reduce as you move into adulthood.

How to develop a Photographic memory?

After reading some data and you need to recall the facts, whatever you do is make a story which explains what you have read hilariously. For example, to hold data about the components of a computer take a mental photographic image of each part using a comical picture.

With these pictures, the data is captured in your mind with every one of the parts and their related pictures. (This tends to work better for outwardly oriented people, and having a good imagination also helps.)

Reviewing of Faces…

This system is helpful with regards to retaining the name of an individual or their face. Go for highlights like the color of their hair and eyes, mouth, nose and shape of face. At that point imagine their names composed on their foreheads.

Reviewing the faces and names of people in the mind requires a great deal of training. The more you set in motion the more you improve photographic memory.


For photographic memory to be upgraded, focus should be practiced. childrens naturally have the superior photographic memory capacity; far superior than adults. The improved memory in children is known as “eidetic memory“, the capacity to review pictures, objects, sounds, even flavors, with high accuracy without the use of any memory help device. The reason is children center around the question of perception which makes it less demanding for natural review.

How to profit from your photographic memory :

Enrolling for training that includes your photographic memory at Brain Management is maybe the most important program for anybody in any vocation. Photographic Memory Training has been helping people improve their lives for almost four decades. Photographic Memory Training has prepared many people around the world and is the Officially Approved preparing for Mental Photography.

For More Info : Please Visit Here : Photographic Memory